Konstantin Sutyagin
Konstantin Sutyagin - Night

Konstantin Sutyagin - Night
...Colour is the main figurative means for Sutyagin. Besides text often appears to be an important element of the painting - either as a part of it, or as something accompanying the pictorie. The spectator is sunk into the semantic field of canvas - both

Was born in Ufa, Bashkiria republic, Russia, on January 3, 1964.
Graduated from Moscow High Technical University (Dynamics of Flying and Control of Flying Vehicles) in 1986 and Art Institute in 1988.
Member of the Russian Union of Artists since 1995.
Practice in painting, graphic and literature.
Were issued more then 10 books.
Since 1988 has taken part in more then 70 solo and group exhibitions.

One man show

- 1992 - Priatky (together with Aleksandr Shevchenko), Gallery "Expo 88", Moscow, Russia
- 1993 - Potiomkin Village (together with Aleksandr Shevchenko), Union of Artists Exhibition Hall, Moscow, Russia
- 1994 - In Commemoration of the Tungus Meteorite (together with Aleksandr Shevchenko), Contemporary Art School, Moscow, Russia
- 1995 - New Russian Artists (together with Aleksandr Shevchenko), Gallery "Expo88", Moscow, Russia
- 1996 - In Memory of he Unknown Artist (together with Aleksandr Shevchenko), Gallery "Expo 88", Moscow, Russia
- 1996 - Galerie Zeidal, Cologne, Germany
- 1997 - ...e la nave va... (togther with Aleksandr Shevchenko), Gallery "Borey", St.Petersburg, Russia
- 1997 - Famous Artists - to Unknown, Gertsev Gallery, Moscow, Russia
- 1998 - ABN AMRO Bank, Moscow, Russia
- 1999 - Happyness: Myth and Reality (together with Aleksandr Shevchenko), Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia
- 2000 - K. Sutyagin, A. Shevchenko: Museum, Gallery "Kovcheg", Moscow, Russia
- 2000 - St. Vadimir Cathedral, Korolev, Russia
- 2000 - "Gertsev Gallery", Atlanta, Usa
- 2001 - Calendar of artists (together with Aleksandr Shevchenko), Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia
- 2001 - Russian Gallery (together with Aleksandr Shevchenko), Tallinn, Estonia
- 2002 - Alphabet, Gallery Mitki-Vkhutemas, St.Petersburg, Russia
- 2003 - Galleria Russiarte, Bologna, Italia
- 2003 - Painting, Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia
- 2003 - "Gertsev Gallery", Atlanta, Usa
- 2004 - Gallerie du Chateau de Grouchy, Osny, Francia
- 2004 - AGFA, Head Office, Moscow, Russia

Group exhibitions:

- 1996 - DIE KRAFT DER STILLE. - Hildesheim State Art Museum, Germany- Contemporary Art Museum Frankfurt, Germany
- 1996 - Decorative Art Museum, Moscow
- 1997- PAINTERS WRITE, WRITERS PAINT. - State Literature Museum, Moscow
- 1997 - NEW RUSSIA. - Russian Art Museum, New-York, USA
- 1997 - WHAT PAINTER WANTED TO SAY.- Central House of Artists, Moscow
- 1998 - TODAY'S RUSSIAN PAINTINGS - AVANGARDE 1990 - 1998. - Kwangju City Art Museum, Kwangju, Korea - gallery "Korea", Seul, Korea
- 1999 - MOSCOW - PETERSBURG. National exhibition of the Union of Artists.
- 1999 - Gallery "Flamingo", Falkenberg, Sveden
- 2000 - ART-STRASSBURG-2000
- 2000 - ART-MOSCOW - 2000
- 2000 - 20 PARALLELES - Moscow Modern Art Museum
- 2002 - Gallery "27", London, UK
- 2002 - Gallery "Saoh", Tokyo, Japan
- 2003 - Galerie du Chateau de Grouchy, Osny, France
- 2003 - ART-MOSCOW - 2003
- 2004 - ART-MOSCOW - 2004

One man show

- 1992 - Priatky (together with Aleksandr Shevchenko), Gallery "Expo 88", Moscow, Russia
- 1993 - Potiomkin Village (together with Aleksandr Shevchenko), Union of Artists Exhibition Hall, Moscow, Russia
- 1994 - In Commemoration of the Tungus Meteorite (together with Aleksandr Shevchenko), Contemporary Art School, Moscow, Russia
- 1995 - New Russian Artists (together with Aleksandr Shevchenko), Gallery "Expo88", Moscow, Russia
- 1996 - In Memory of he Unknown Artist (together with Aleksandr Shevchenko), Gallery "Expo 88", Moscow, Russia
- 1996 - Galerie Zeidal, Cologne, Germany
- 1997 - ...e la nave va... (togther with Aleksandr Shevchenko), Gallery "Borey", St.Petersburg, Russia
- 1997 - Famous Artists to Unknown, Gertsev Gallery, Moscow, Russia
- 1998 - ABN AMRO Bank, Moscow, Russia
- 1999 - Happyness: Myth and Reality (together with Aleksandr Shevchenko), Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia
- 2000 - K. Sutyagin, A. Shevchenko: Museum, Gallery "Kovcheg", Moscow, Russia
- 2000 - St. Vadimir Cathedral, Korolev, Russia
- 2000 - "Gertsev Gallery", Atlanta, Usa
- 2001 - Calendar of artists (together with Aleksandr Shevchenko), Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia
- 2001 - Russian Gallery (together with Aleksandr Shevchenko), Tallinn, Estonia
- 2002 - Alphabet, Gallery Mitki-Vkhutemas, St.Petersburg, Russia
- 2003 - Galleria Russiarte, Bologna, Italia
- 2003 - Painting, Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia
- 2003 - "Gertsev Gallery", Atlanta, Usa
- 2004 - Gallerie du Chateau de Grouchy, Osny, Francia
- 2004 - AGFA, Head Office, Moscow, Russia

Konstantin Sutyagin Photos
Konstantin Sutyagin

Sutyagin Piero Selmi nello studio di Sutyagin e Schevchenko
Bicycle at Rubizzano Boulevard on the sea Bouquet of garden flowers Bouquet of wildflowers Bus station Coffee near the sea
Flower Flower Flower Forever Girl near the sea Landscape
Landscape Meeting Midday Moon Naked Never
Night Reading Omero Rubizzano Still life and tribute to Omero Still life in the night Still life with scissors
Street near the sea Summer again Summer night Sunset on Volga The expected The parish of Rubizzano
Watching the sunset